5 Ways to Maximize Your Budget

Everyone needs a budget. If you’re like most people, though, that budget looks awfully tight. If you’re looking for a little bit of wiggle room, your best choice is going to be obvious – make more money. If you don’t have a magic genie who can make that happen, though, your next best bet is to follow these five paths to maximizing your budget.

Go Generic

Generic items are the best thing in the world for people who want to save money. If you want the thing instead of the label, buy the thing with the boring label. Store brands and knock-offs are great when you’re looking for something that’s going to get the job done. Does this mean you can never buy name-brand stuff? Of course not – but save where you can.

Repair Instead of Replace

Remember how your grandparents never threw anything away? Remember how they were actually able to retire? There’s a connection there, you know. Start investing in appliance repair instead of throwing out your microwaves and figure out how to work on your car. While there’s not always anything particularly cool about having an appliance repair manual at your house, it’s great to save some money.

Join Clubs

Clubs are amazing for saving money. Yes, this might mean that every business on the planet now has your email and you have a dozen plastic keychains, but it’s worth the inconvenience. From saving money on gas to getting access to special prices at the store, you’ll get to stretch your budget out farther than you might think. Make sure you sign up for the clubs that will actually save you money, though, as you definitely don’t want to give away your information for free.

Pay Attention to Sales

Sales are everything to a budget-conscious person. If something you need goes on sale, buy it now so that you can save the money later. A good discount is going to be your best friend, and you can usually roll your savings back into your budget to give yourself some breathing room. Remember, though, that this only counts if you actually need the item – an item that you don’t need still costs too much even if it is on sale.

Put Your Money to Work

Finally, make sure that you’re putting your money to work when you can. Even if all you are getting is some free airline miles for buying your groceries with a specific credit card, you’re getting an extra perk. Don’t be afraid to find ways to get rewarded for spending money so that you can generate some nice extras for yourself.

Getting more out of your existing budget usually means making a …